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Recycle Bin for Plastic Bottles


Involving the whole school community in recycling schemes to improve the environment can be a lot of fun.

Involving the whole school community in recycling schemes to improve the environment can be a lot of fun. Last September, a special recycle bin for plastic bottles was placed in the school yard. This innovative idea came from the Science and ICT Department.


The special bin resembles the well known basketball game. With this, you have to throw your empty plastic bottle aiming through the hoop. This project helps promote the value of responsible waste management. Plastic bottles are separated from mixed wastes making it easier to actually send off to the right places to recycle the waste!


Besides saving the plastic bottles from ending up in a landfill site, there’s also a profitable return. Horizon International Bilingual School was able to buy 3 books using the extra money earned from selling the first batch of collected plastic bottles.



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