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Welcome back students of Horizon International Bilingual School!

Welcome back students of Horizon International Bilingual School! The fun and memories of being with your family and friends during the month-long vacation will surely be missed and mesmerized by many. But as we have closed the door of the month old summer, another door has opened-up by HIBS for its students: “The Academic Year 2017-2018”. Once again, as we embark on this school year, we will gain new learning experience, as well as meet new friends, classmates, and cherish the old ones.
The opening ceremony was highlighted by the awesome performances of students from primary level. These cute-little kiddos have shown enough of what it takes to be a talented Horizon student! Shout-out hurrah! This is for the overwhelming support of their caring parents and dedicated teachers!

The letter from the President, Tran Dai Quang had brought inspiration as we continue our celebration of the opening of the school year 2017 - 2018.

Mr. Dursun Yildirim, a caring principal had delivered a heartfelt, motivating opening remarks for everyone. The speech rejuvenates the energy from within, and it lifts the spirit to hear such note of his. Then, the beating of the school throb has echoed within the four walls. Thus, the sound reflects best hopes and good future that lies beneath HORIZON.

The Administration, led by the Head of Academics, Mr. Yoldas and the Head of School Operations himself, Mr. Ferhat were in the occasion to show their support. They were accompanied by the hard-working Vice-Principals of primary, secondary, and high school levels. Distinguished guests as Representative from Department of Education of District 2 Mrs Nguyen Thi Cuc and Head of Parents Association of HIBS Mrs Nguyen Thi Tuyet Trinh have expressed great joy all throughout the programme.

High school students were given recognition for their accomplishment in various international competitions. While new students were introduced on stage and were given a warm welcome to start anew. The graduating class then rendered an acoustic song to add colors and end the programme happily.

Truly, a momentous event to remember.  Kudos!

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