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World Scholar’s Cup


HCMC, Vietnam. Horizon International Bilingual School garnered a total of 27 medals after the
World Scholars’ Cup event.

HCMC, Vietnam. Horizon International Bilingual School garnered a total of 27 medals after the
World Scholars’ Cup event.
The competition took place last May 11 to 13. A total of 750 students from different schools
around Ho Chi Minh city gathered together and took part in this coveted and mind-bugling tournament.
Nguyen Dong Kiet and Phan Nhu Y, team captains, exclaimed they were so nervous at first to see
such huge number of students who signed-up for the event. However, they were able to managed
themselves and stayed composed. They reminded everyone to execute what have been planned during the
training. Every moment of the occasion was savored by everyone. New friends were earned as well. One
of the kind.
After the tournament, Van Tien Son, Nick Skipper, Le Ba Loc, Nguyen Duy An, and Tran Tuong
Andy had earned the most number of medals from the categories: team-debate, individual debate,
collaborative and individual writing, scholars’ bowl, and scholars’ challenge. Kiet, Nhu Y, Nguyen Minh
Anh Jessica and Truong Thanh Ha have contributed 2 medals apiece. While two of our Korean students,
Dahyun and Da young have received citation - the Da Vinci certificate.
The WSC event promotes critical thinking amongst our students on various issues and topics that
directly affects the lives of students.
“It was really fun and challenging” added by Nick of 8 th grade. I am looking forward to join the
global round in Beijing and Auckland. “I would like to bring my team once more and perhaps bring home
more success stories to my HORIZON”

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