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The meeting of parents of Horizon International Bilingual School


The official meeting of parents of Horizon International Bilingual School was last August 21, 2019. Parents from the primary department were invited on this day.

Day 1
The official meeting of parents of Horizon International Bilingual School was last August 21, 2019. Parents from the primary department were invited on this day. They were welcomed by the teachers in the registration area located at the school lobby where they were also asked to look into some important information about their children.
 The meeting of parents of Horizon International Bilingual School
Our primary school parents were cordially welcomed by the excellent musical performance by our resident music teacher and head of the PEMA Department, Mr. Alfred Denopol. He serenated our parents with his take on Pachelbel’s Canon in D major and some other contemporary songs with his violin.
Mr. Faridin Radzhaboev, the newly appointed principal of Horizon International Bilingual School, formally welcomed the parents of children from the primary department. He also expressed his gratitude to the parents for entrusting HIBS for their children’s education. He assured the parents of the school’s mission to raise learners who are not only educated but confident, responsible, reflective, innovative, engaged and principled.
Chương trình họp mặt phụ huynh học sinh đầu năm học 2019 - 2020

The parents, as well as the students, were greeted by the school administrators and teachers at the Conference Hall of HIBS. Mr. Aman Rejepov, the head of the bilingual program, warmly introduced to the parents the homeroom teachers of the Primary School.
Mr. Christie Lee Keenan and Ms. Pham Thi Tu, the homeroom teachers of grade __ explain to the parents the various learning tools being used by Horizon International Bilingual School. They were also informed about the changes being implemented this year. The school is very happy to have the parents engage with productive discussions regarding their child’s schooling.
After the discussions, each class from the Primary School chose one representative for the school’s very first Parents-Teachers Association. The PTA aims to improve the relationship between the parents and teachers and to involve the parents in some school activities.
Movie Time! While the parents and teachers are having their meeting, the students were entertained by cartoon movies projected in our state-of-the-art mini theater.
We always end the day with a nice hearty dinner! After all the meetings, the whole HIBS community enjoyed a sumptuous buffet prepared by the team of Mr. Anna, the head of food services and cafeteria. Plates of grilled chicken, beef stew and freshly cooked salmon were served together with a healthy serving of salads and fruits. Parents and teachers from each class get to bond and talk more to each other. It was a night filled with good conversation and good food. Yum!
Day 2
It is day two of the Parents-Teachers Meeting, parents from the Secondary School lined up to register and look into the profiles of their children. This step is essential to help the school reach out to the parents regarding their child’s performance. Ms. Vanh, our school secretary, assisted the parents in the registration process.
Ms. Jewel, the Head of International Program, introduced the members of the school administration. Seen in the second picture are the administrators, Mr. Aman rejepov, Head of Bilingual Program; Mr. Faridin Radzhaboev, Principal; and Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Hoai, Vice Principal for the Bilingual Program. The parents warmly welcome them with a round of applause.
Mr. Faridin welcomes the parents formally and gave an extensive talk about the importance of education in the 21st century. He also gave an insight on the school’s commitment to provide relevant and innovative education that may invoke active learning to students.
Mr. Aman Rejepov, introduced the secondary teachers to the parents. The parents of Grade 6 students are asked to join their respective homeroom advisers.
Chương trình họp mặt phụ huynh học sinh đầu năm học 2019 - 2020
Parents joined their respective homeroom teachers. Ms. Chloe (top left), Ms. Chona (top right) and Mr. Eziz (bottom) thoroughly discussed with the parents the innovations, policies and events that would be coming up this year. After the discussions, the classes chose their representative who will act as intermediary between their class and the school for any concerns.
Day 3
It is the final day of the Parents-Teachers Meeting and today we meet the parents from the High School Department. Mr. Minh, the school’s laboratory manager, welcomed and ushered the parents in the registration area.
For the final day of the conference, the administrators gave their warm welcome to the parents. Ms. Jewel and Mr. Aman introduced the teachers and administrators to the parents, while the school principal, Mr. Faridin, game a short but meaningful talk to the parents. The parents are also informed about the exciting new things being implemented for their children. 
BridgeU was introduced; a program that would help the students get into internationally renowned universities. It is designed to help students choose the career that they want in the future. Likewise, HIBS also launched the Duke of Edinburgh. It is an internationally recognized program for young people, that aims to upgrade their skills in their future life and work. Students who garnered this award receive great advantage in college application and scholarships.
After the meeting in the conference hall, parents from the High School Department are met by their homeroom advisers. Mr. Emin (top left), Mr. Numan (top right), Mr. Azat and Ms. Tam (bottom left) and Ms. Vivien (bottom right), all gave their best in explaining to the parents everything that they need to know. Mr. Emin of the Grade 10 class let the parents play ‘Kahoot!’ for the first time which the parents truly enjoy.
Dinner! For the last time, parents, students, teachers and staffs of Horizon International Bilingual School shared a very hearty dinner. It was a very productive three days of meeting. HIBS is very much I gratitude to all who came and participated in our very first PTA assembly. Your support is our inspiration to bring out the genius in every child and to make HIBS the school that your children deserves.

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