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Great Achievement of Horizon Students in Genius Olympiad


The GENIUS Olympiad, a four-day competition co-sponsored by SUNY Oswego and Terra Science and Education, Inc.

The GENIUS Olympiad, a four-day competition co-sponsored by SUNY Oswego and Terra Science and Education, Inc., is one of the largest environmentally focused fairs in the world. In 2019 over 1400 high school GENIUS' from 76 countries and 39 states gathered to collaborate, share research and ideas, and find solutions to the ever-increasing environmental problems affecting the earth's populations.
 Participants at the 2019 Olympiad work year-round to examine the environmental problems of today through one of six lenses - science, design, business, creative writing,robotics and visual and performing arts. Through the disciplines students draw attention to the deterioration of the earth and create innovative solutions which they then present and discuss during the competition. Students accepted to the event make up a portion of the world's brightest youth, many of whom go on to become environmental ambassadors and leaders.

Students from Horizon International Bilingual School Hochiminh Campus showed an excellent performance and achieved 1 Silver Medal in Art Category , 1 silver Medal in Music category and Honorable Mansion in Creative Writing. Rana Yildirim Grade 10 Student , expressed her excitement as she competed with other participants all around the world  . Le Nguyen Phuong was amazed because this event was first of its kind that he joined. Doan Ly Minh , who joined Genius Olympiad with music piece from Michael Jackson, shocked the audience by an excellent performance. It is a tradition for Horizon School  to represent Vietnam in an international competitions and achieve high results.

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