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Parents` Representative`s Speech in Closing Ceremony


On behalf of Horizon’s Parents Association, it’s my pleasure to be here and would like to share 3

Dear Distinguished Guests, Teachers, Parents and all Students
On behalf of Horizon’s Parents Association, it’s my pleasure to be here and would like to share 3
First of all, I’d like to send my congratulations to all HIBS students who have successfully finished the
academic year. For 5 th , 9 th and 12 th grade, congratulations on graduating.
For the 12th grade graduates, you are stepping the first steps into adulthood. Parents and teachers have
guided you to the future doors, from now on you have to walk by yourself on your new journey.
I wish that you will “stay hungry, stay foolish” in learning, and improve yourself to have goodness,
discipline and knowledge to get over challenges in your life.
The second thing, I would like to appreciate the HIBS parents who accompanied the school in all
activities and events during this academic year.
HIBS parents’ capacity, experience, living skills and creative ideas are an undiscovered and great
potential treasure. I hope that HIBS parents will continuously spend more time for our children, share
your ideas and participate in school activities. With the great connection between family and school,
working together, we will create the better future for our kids.
Finally, I would like to give my appreciation to Mr. Dursun Yildirim – The Principal and HIBS teachers.
We have seen many proud rewards and medals that our children have won in studying, arts, sports,
culture and charity activities. According to me, there are many important records that we should praise
in our children. Those are the improvement in behavior, in changing the bad habits into the good living
skills. If Parents observe, you can see our children gradually improve themselves throughout the years.
The achievements, good habits and skills that students acquire are certainly not a one day, or one week
task. Behind the spotlight, the medals, and the awards are constant struggles and attempts during the
whole year. With their great passion, the teachers are willing to sacrifice personal affairs and their
weekends with family to assist students in every step of their learning. I wish you always keep the
burning flame and inspiration in our children’s heart with the subjects you have chosen. When the kids
realize the beauty in one subject, it helps them to comprehend and will love that subject so they will
study more easily and efficiently.
I have had some chances to attend students’ sports competitions, from basketball to football matches.
No matter sunny or rainy days, the PE coaches are resiliently passionate with their job, guiding the
children to different matches, training them not only with physical strength and sport skill, but with a
strong mentality, a determination to never give up.
I also witnessed teachers prepare for Sports Day, Science Day, and Charity Day for weeks. Although
carrying lots of jobs on the side, they still tried their best to give children the best experiences. They
always accompany our children, intrigue their creativity, humanity and the willing to help others in
I was also lucky to participate in the International Math Challenge of my son in Thailand (one of many
school trips). I witnessed with my own eyes how dedicated all the teachers were in those days. They
worked hard, not only for 8 hours but from early morning to midnight to take care of a group of 15-30
students during the trip and also have to update information for parents at home. I was extremely
touched with their attentiveness.

Every one of us has our own problems and unexpected issues but when the teachers arrive at school,
they always choose to leave everything behind them to be friendly, to love and care for their students
with their hearts.
Dear Mr. Dursun Yildirim, thank you for bringing the successful achievement you made in your school
which was 2nd place in Turkey, and applying it here at HIBS HCMC school.
I would like to give our greatest appreciation to you and the HIBS teachers for what you have done for
our children.
These flowers represent our thankfulness to you. We wish all HIBS teachers have good health to
continue developing the beauty in humanity and education of HIBS school for more children in Viet

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