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Educational Field trip to Thien Long Group


HORIZON INTERNATIONAL BILINGUAL SCHOOL is based on the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Training and Cambridge International Examinations

HORIZON INTERNATIONAL BILINGUAL SCHOOL is based on the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Training and Cambridge International Examinations as well as recent educational methods; The school's strategic plan is based on administrative development, teaching and learning. Therefore, in order to element the goal of Education -
"Learning with Action", our school has combined practical experiences into the content of
On the fifth of May, 2019, Vietnamese and foreign teachers along with 74 students from Horizon International Bilingual School were welcomed by the Board of Directors and staffs of Thien Long Group and instructed the production stages to create stationeries that
students approach and use every single day.  Although it was only a short time to visit, it helped our students understand the value of “the school items” which are indispensably necessary items side by side with students on their learning path. Simultaneously, Students have chance to see the labor value of direct production workers and creativity in Vietnamese bringing Viet Nam to the international market with the opinion “ Vietnameses use Vietnamese products” expansively.


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