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Talk: University of Phayao


The event was attended by 32 professors and administrators from the University of Phayao which is located in Phayao Province.

Horizon International Bilingual School - Administrator Team showcase another stunning presentation led by the Principal Mr. Faridin Radzhaboev. The event was attended by 32 professors and administrators from the University of Phayao which is located in Phayao Province, Northern Thailand. The talk is to share the best practices and programs implemented in Horizon International Bilingual School. It was formally opened by Mr. Radzhaboev as he gave his warm welcome to the participants. The formal sharing started when Mr. Azat Yazgulyyev, Mathematics and ICT Department Head, owned the floor as he showed the Philosophies that the school followed which was patterned from the Cambridge school. 

Different programs that shaped the school community were presented. It started with the SLC or Student-Led-Conference where students present their portfolios to their parents in front of their teachers. Through this activity, students will be engaged to collate all their activities in all their subjects. This gives parents a clear idea of how well their children perform in school.

The school not only impart knowledge to their students but it also trained their students to become a responsible one who can guide students from the lower level. This became possible with the Super Tutor program where High School students teach students from the primary level. This activity also develops camaraderie between the student-tutors and their mentees. 


To unleash the creativity of the horizons, the school has developed a program where students need to create a magazine and take photos of any significant event relative to school activities in or outside the campus.


Horizons who are filled with enthusiasm still managed to share and connect one learning area to another through “Learning Exposition”. This engaged students not only to apply what they have learned in their lessons but it brings them to the next level as they have to connect their learning to another subject area. The event also culled the unlimited innovative ideas of the students to apply what they learned.


Students who are taught to become responsible individuals need also to cherish the most important people in their lives, their parents. Through “Parents Night”, students learned how to serve their parents the way their parents serve them every day. This event was organized by the students where they cook scrumptious foods for their parents and showcase their talents through dancing or singing.


The horizons are also nurtured to become an altruist as they help children from public kindergarten school to provide necessities of their school. Students also organized a fund-raising event where means will be donated to their chosen public kindergarten school.


There are too many programs to mention but in a nutshell, Horizon provides holistic development to their stakeholders particularly to their students. The meeting started at 10:20 in the morning in Villa 2 of the school and ended at around noon.


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