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Student Led Conference 2017


From 30th October to 10th November HIBS Ho Chi Minh City Campus arranged Student Led Conference . All students from grade  1 to 12 actively participated in this event. Parent attendance rate was 85.65% . Congratulations to All!

I find the student led conferences to be very beneficial as I get to find out what my students are like in other subjects. This gives teachers a clearer view of their students and allows us as teachers to adapt our teaching to get the most out of our students.

Meeting with parents is always a good thing for teachers as we can get a bit more background information about our students home lives and how this may affect them or their learning. However doing these conferences gives the students a chance to think back and assess their attitude towards learning. From this they can identify their areas of success and areas where improvements could be made which puts the students at the forefront of their own learning.

During this student led conference I have gained a deeper understanding of my students and improved my relationships with their families which are valuable instruments for a teacher.

Chloe Mason /English Language Teacher


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