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Horizon - Webifairs Partnership


Last Saturday, we were delighted to share in partnership with WebiFairs to host a virtual career fair that allows our students to meet more than 65 universities all over the world.

At the beginning of the event, our Head of Academics welcomed and introduced the event and workshop to our visitors. At this event, we had an exclusive workshop for our Horizon students, parents and visitors about a general guide to study abroad in the UK, US, Australia, and the Netherlands by Mr Henrick. He's worked as a career and college counsellor since 2010 and is currently the Teaching and Learning Coordinator at School of the Nations, in Brasília, Brazil. In the workshop, Mr Henrick has indicated the general admission requirements to these countries and emphasized the importance of common apps when applying for universities. He also shared the thought when choosing the universities and students should double-check the requirements of universities to the different national curriculum. In the last five minutes, we had a Q & A  session for the students and visitors to ask and learn about universities and the relationship between study major and career opportunities. After the workshop, the visitors were free to move around and visit the university's booths. We had welcomed visitors from Vietnam and some other countries to our booth. We hope that our students and parents had a meaningful event and gained valuable information to prepare for the future path. Thanks, KIC Assist, for giving us this opportunity, and looking forward to our next collaboration.



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