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Horizon International Bilingual School Students have an exchange meeting with Vo Thu Huong the writer


In the afternoon of November 11 th , 2019, Vietnamese Group in Horizon International Bilingual School organized extracurricular activity; i.e. a meeting with a young writer - Vo Thu Huong

In the afternoon of November 11 th , 2019, Vietnamese Group in Horizon International Bilingual School organized extracurricular activity; i.e. a meeting with a young writer - Vo Thu Huong

The students were so excited about this meeting, that they kept talking and asking about various things.

Two hours of the extracurricular activity passed quickly because of a lovely conversation between students and Vo Thu Huong the writer.

The students were given books with the author’s signatures.

We are grateful to Ms. Vo Thu Huong for sparking suck emotions in students.


Thank the parents of Le Tran Nguyen Thao student for giving us – the students these books of Vo Thu Huong writer with lovingness. From these activities like that Teacher and Parents hope the kids will become more mature day by day thanks to such events.


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