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Educational Trip to Zoo and Museum


The most important thing in teaching is to make students more knowledgeable. 

The most important thing in teaching is to make students more knowledgeable. However, learning from books is not the only way to achieve it. The school-board and the staff try their best to support teachers that is why, they organised a trip to the zoo and the museum.

After the trip, I learnt more about planning, preparation and organisation of activities.

All the activities made the teachers and students understand each other better. Beside the knowledge from lessons, students also learnt some life skills such as: unity, helping friends, recycling and  keeping quiet at the public places.

I learned a lot from Ms.Nuong and Ms.Son, e.a.  how to manage students when they are outside and guide them in a way that they can learn somethings.

I really appreciate the teacher’s hard work because even though it was a long trip, they still guided the students enthusiastically. I may not have done as much for students without other teacher’s help.

Once again, I would like to thank the school administration, the staff and Ms. Nương and Ms. Sơn for helping me complete this extra-curricular activity.

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