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Gold ,Silver and Bronze for Vietnam


Horizon International Bilingual School  Student from Grade 8A Tran Khanh Linh achieved : A gold for knowledge challenge, Silver for individual challenge ( creative writing ), Bronze for team spirit in  literature and culture category.

There will be a main topic for the competition every year. By participating in the Owlypia competition in 5 different subject areas, the youth have a chance to share creative ideas, develop academic skills in many fields, discover the potential  skills and improve your confidence as well as they can develop teamwork skills and make new friends.

Owlypia Contests consists of five subjects: Science and Society, Arts and Design, Literature and Culture, and Economics - Business. If students are interested in thinking, writing and exchanging knowledge in a social environment and motivating learning, this contest will be a good challenge.

Horizon International Bilingual School  Student from Grade 8A Tran Khanh Linh achieved : A gold for knowledge challenge, Silver for individual challenge ( creative writing ), Bronze for team spirit in  literature and culture category. Linh was only participant from Vietnam. The event was held in Boston/USA

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