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Feeling about trip to Green Park


On Thursday the 28th of November, the school organized a visit for us to the Green Park in Cu Chi, Viet Nam.

Last Thursday, I went to the Green Park Cu Chi with my school to try being a farmer for one day. The trip was really nice. The tour guide was really funny. While telling us a lot of fun stories. Then at the park, I learned a lot of things: planting the young rice, catching fish, …. . In the vegetable garden, there were a lot of plants to see. We learnt that each of them had benefits while eating and special cooking method, too. The part that I liked the most in the trip was playing challenging games like boat racing, tug of war, crossing the obstacles, …. Green Park Cu Chi is a really great place to visit for everyone, especially for students. I hope more people will visit this place and choose it as their child’s holiday trip.
Last week’s field trip to Green Park was amazing. The bus ride was so fun. Honestly, I’d never laughed so much that my stomach hurt. The tour guide was hilarious and he kept on making us laugh. The experience was priceless and the way that I was taught to become a farmer for a day was really amazing. I was taught to fish in the traditional way, sail the boat, taste Cu Chi’s specialty (which was really amazing and I craved it for a whole week). I had a once-in-a-life time experience. The trip incredible, I could see different scenery and observe the technics they used to make a rice cake and peanut. We also went to their organic garden and was taught about ways how to grow mushrooms and other vegetables which was very effective. Overall, I really appreciate this trip and I’m thankful for the great  experience and the knowledge I gained.
On Thursday the 28th of November, the school organized a visit for us to the Green Park in Cu Chi, Viet Nam. After arriving at the park and meeting our tour guide (a hilarious and outgoing guy who told us to call him “Củ mì” or “Sweet potato”), secondary and high school were divided into two sections. 10 grade students were asked to change their clothes and wear unique “quần áo bà ba” or typical farmer’s outfits. Next, there was an array of hands-on activities like: crossing a section of water on only ropes, or learning how to sow rice seeds, and even learning how to catch fish using our own hands. We then participated in a mini obstacle course and went into the “green plants house” where we learned about and observed regional plants like fish mints and arugula. By the time lunch began, we had been all either covered in mud or soaked in river water; nonetheless, our spirits were higher than ever. After devouring our lunch, we took a nap seperate rooms. As regards the rest of the trip, ’’Sweet Potato’’ took us around the backyard and showed us all the beautiful gardens and the amazing Koi pond. We were also shown how rice paper was made and how peanuts were baked. After taking many photos, we went back into the big conference room and had a snack; deliciously prepared authentic Vietnamese dessert called “khoai mì rắc mè” and “chè bắp” which are cassavas sprinkled with spices along with Vietnamese corn “sweet soup”. Finally, after receiving gifts, we headed for home. 
All in all, this was unexpectedly an eye-opening experience for me. I knew about of the farmers’ diligent hard work, but I had never understand how much effort is required to do it. Not only were all the activities in-sync with nature, but they also got us all closer to each other. What’s more, the tour guide was funny and knowledgeable. All of these things contributed to the overall wonderful experience and how much my classmates I enjoyed this trip.
Student Nguyen Anh Khoi 10A

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