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HIBSAL 2nd-4th Week


The successful launching of HIBSAL intensified the games on the preceding weeks. Students from different levels were all excited which is manifested in their eagerness to win any match

The successful launching of HIBSAL intensified the games on the preceding weeks. Students from different levels were all excited which is manifested in their eagerness to win any match. House leaders and captains, together with the members, support their houses as they play the match. For the past 4 weeks, students are getting better at playing soccer, table tennis, and badminton. The games enable the students to develop camaraderie among each other and at the same time give them enjoyment as they play. This also strengthened the spirit of unity, sportsmanship, and drive among the members of each house which is important in attaining the school’s vision. The updated results of different games signify victory for others and challenge for some. For table tennis, yellow and red teams emerged victorious during the second week as they defeated the green and blue teams respectively. The second week for badminton games gave the blue team an enormous drive to fight as they won 3 out of 4 games against the green team. The most awaited game for secondary and high school soccer matches gave the opposing teams (red and yellow) an equal point. On the other hand, the second week is not in favour of the girls of the red house as they lost in their soccer match against the yellow house. Likewise happened during the primary soccer match where yellow once again emerged victorious against the red team.


The third and fourth week of the HIBSAL has changed the mood of each house as the results from different games vary. Blue has nothing against green during the table tennis match where the latter won 3 out of 3 games. Likewise happened with the red as they brought the bacon when they won a landslide score against the yellow team. Table tennis is seemingly not for the blue as they lost against yellow while the green is rising as they won against red. The 3rd week of the badminton favours the yellow team as they won 3 out of 4 games against red. The red and blue on the 4th week showed an equal performance as they both won 2 out of 4 games. Secondary and High School boys from the red house gain the attention of many as they played with bursting energy and swept 5 goals with their opposing blue team. An omen is in the blue team as they didn't win against red in girls’ soccer match. The red also emerged victorious against blue during the primary soccer match where they scored 3.

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