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The Opening Ceremonies Horizon International Bilingual School 2019 - 2020


Last September 5, 2019, students from all corners of Hanoi are seen crowding the streets. Smiles and laughter echoes in each school doors as excited students enter their classes.

Parents cheerfully waited outside waving goodbyes to their kids. Teachers, fresh from their vacation are now welcoming some familiar students as well as some fresh new faces. Indeed, Hanoi’s official academic year has begun!
 lễ khai giảng năm học mới 2019 - 2020
The Department of Education and Training (DOET) has declared the 5th of September as the official start of the academic year in the district. Horizon International Bilingual School (HIBS), one of the leading international schools in the region, recognize this and opened its doors to students, parents and guests to join the district in celebrating the momentous event.

Two outstanding students of HIBS, Giah Bach and Faizah were tasked to host the opening ceremonies. They welcomed the visitors, guests, government officials and ambassadors from various countries who came to celebrate with the students and teachers.
lễ khai giảng năm học mới 2019 - 2020
Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Hoai, Vice Principal for Bilingual Program, read the speech given by the Vietnamese President.
lễ khai giảng năm học mới 2019 - 2020
After the reading of the president’s letter, Mr. Faridin newly appointed school principal of HIBS, gave his warm welcome to the esteemed guests. In his speech, he reiterated to everyone the importance of education and the commitment of Horizon in proving the quality of education that each of its students deserve.
lễ khai giảng năm học mới 2019 - 2020
Being an international school, Horizon provides education not only to Vietnamese students but also to other nationalities. This is one of the qualities of the school that is unique and admirable. With students and teachers having different nationalities, the community gets to share various cultures and traditions with each other. Through the years, this has been a great avenue for learning mutual respect among students. This great quality was embodied during the ceremonies. Teachers and students from various countries were called on to the stage, where the proudly raised the flags. A total of twenty seven countries were represented. Shortly after, Mr. Faridin, beat the drum, a Vietnamese tradition that signifies a new beginning, and formally open the new school year.
lễ khai giảng năm học mới 2019 - 2020lễ khai giảng năm học mới 2019 - 2020lễ khai giảng năm học mới 2019 - 2020
Guests were then entertained by the talented students from the primary school. The little misses danced gracefully with their very fancy costume. Proud parents of the students gathered around the stage as they gleefully take a picture of their kids. After which, our students from the high school level gave a serene song number and an electric dance number. The talent shown by the students is truly remarkable. This shows how the school not only recognize intelligence but also talent.
The new school year marks an exciting new beginning for all the members of the school community. For many, this is the start of many positive changes that they expect from themselves and the school. The school is committed to these positive changes. HIBS will always be in the forefront of quality and innovative education.
Horizon International Binlingual School

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