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Students Pay a visit to Classmate in Hospital


On the 24th of May , Thi  Grade 9 Student in HCMC Campus had an unexpected operation.

On the 24th of May , Thi  Grade 9 Student in HCMC Campus had an unexpected operation. When Homeroom Teachers and Classmates  heard about it, they were extremely sad. Mr Dan and Mr Stanislav immediately called the Parent and asked about Thi`s health luckily. She was fine and an operation was successful. Grade 9 Students and Homeroom Teachers wanted to pay a visit to Thi, since she felt better. After school, Thi was both shocked and surprised by a visit of her classmates and Teachers. Thi`s Mother eyes were full of gratitude and joy when she saw how Thi was. 

Once again Horizon family showed how Sharing joy will double it , sharing sadness will lessen it.  

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