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Emergency Meeting Prior to Class Resumption


The afternoon of the 28th of February has been a serious moment for everybody as the administration team called an emergency meeting which was held in the conference room which started at 2:30 pm and ended at around 3:20 pm

The afternoon of the 28th of February has been a serious moment for everybody as the administration team called an emergency meeting which was held in the conference room which started at 2:30 pm and ended at around 3:20 pm. The meeting was opened by the principal himself, Mr. Faridin Radzhaboev, as he mentioned about the current status of the Horizon in terms of fighting against the virus. It was followed by Ms. Jewel as she briefly explained the content of the letter which will be sent to the parents over the weekend as soon as the decision from the Department of Education has been made. The conference was followed by an informative presentation by Mr. Numan as he explained in detail all the necessary things needed to know about the virus. At the end of the presentation, teachers and staff were advised to frequently sanitize themselves using the hygiene materials provided by the school. Teachers were also informed as to how to handle situations should they spot students which show symptoms of the virus. Teachers whose topic is physical activities were also advised to modify their tasks in such that no close physical contact should be made among the students to prevent the possible spread of the virus. Windows and doors of the classrooms will also be opened throughout the period in order for the air to circulate.

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