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Parent Orientation Programme


/Hanoi The Orientation Programme for the Parents of Secondary and High school students was held virtually on the 25th of August 2021.

The programme had been attended by the school Principal, Administrators, Parents, Subject and Homeroom teachers. The programme started with our respected Principal, Mr. Faridin Radzhaboev extending his warm welcome to everyone and introducing the members of the Management. He then introduced the concerned Counsellors, Subject and Homeroom teachers who would be the first point of contact for the students in the upcoming academic session. The session focussed on the decorum of online classes, new online platforms such as Atlas Next, career planning, assessment, and evaluation systems. At the end, the forum was open for questions from the parents which were duly answered. Mr.Faridin ended the session wishing everyone a safe and healthy year ahead and hoping to meet the students in school very soon.


After the general session parents had session with homeroom teachers to discuss about Daily schedule, Timetable, Academic Calendar, School Rules, Communication ways, Selecting parent’s representatives and Programmes that will help students to discover themselves and make the best decision for their major, university and country such as: 

● Bridge U (Grades 9-12)

● Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award


As a school we wish to have a productive year ahead.


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