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Horizon International Bilingual School supports the education sector of Quang Binh province


On October 11th , 2017, the Administration Board of Horizon International Bilingual School of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City Campuses visited the education sector of Quang Binh province in order to lend support.

Hurricane no. 10 came to Quang Binh province and caused serious problems for the people in the province. On October 11th , 2017, the Administration Board of Horizon International Bilingual School of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City Campuses visited the education sector of Quang Binh province in order to lend support.

The Administration Board presented 100 million dong to the Education Sector of Quang Binh province, on behalf of all the teachers, parents and students of Horizon International Bilingual School. This money was raised to help the students and people overcome the difficulties caused by the hurricane.

We were greeted enthusiastically by Mr. Dinh Quy Nhan, Director of the Education Department of Quang Binh province and all the staff. It was a warm and happy atmosphere. At the meeting, the Director of the Department of Education and Training thanked Horizon International Bilingual Schools for their caring and sharing after hurricane no.10. They also promised to use this fund for good and effective purposes.

The teachers and students of Horizon International Bilingual Schools share heartfelt wishes to help all students and people of Quang Binh province with their current difficulties..


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