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Horizon International Bilingual School Celebrates International Women’s Day


“Women train and educate children, and establish order, peace and harmony in the home. They are the first teachers in the school of humanity”.

“A woman is like a tea bag. You can’t tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water”.

Female teachers, staff and wives of male staff at HIBS were treated to an inspiring event to celebrate International Women’s Day, on March 8. The party took off with a warm welcome from our MC for the night, Ms Jewel, and an empowering speech from our own Ms Lan Anh Tran, who is the very symbol of what a woman can achieve when she puts her mind to it. This was also a good opportunity to recognise and present flowers to two special female members of staff who currently have significant milestones in their lives- Ms Tara, who is recently married, and Ms Van, who is nearing the end of her pregnancy.


We were then treated to a warm- up dance from two talented HIBS students, Afra and Aysu, who lightened our spirits as the sky darkened. We got a sample of the talents that are widespread in our school’s staff through singing karaoke, dancing traditional Turkish and Mexican dancing and we wondered at an art presentation by Mrs Hatice. There were many prizes to be won- either by lucky draw or singing karaoke. Once everyone had worked up a hunger, we enjoyed the delicious barbeque food. The event came to an end with the cutting of the cake for Women’s Day, and each woman present receiving a lovely basket of flowers from HIBS.


Thank you very much to Ms Aybeniz for organising the whole event, Ms Jewel for hosting and Ms Hoai for a wonderful night we will all remember.


“Women train and educate children, and establish order, peace and harmony in the home. They are the first teachers in the school of humanity”.


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