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Full Moon Festival 2018


September 24, 2018 (September 15th lunar month) was the moon festival for children this year.

September 24, 2018 (September 15th lunar month) was the moon festival for children this year.


Together with the atmosphere of the festival, students were excited to hold their lanterns which they had made themselves with the guidance of Ms. Phe – the Art teacher.


The school had some fun activities for students such as:

- Trample the balloons

- Using spoons to transfer balls.


The dragon dance team arrived with 3 dragons which danced enthusiastically, making all the students completely excited.


In the end, all students celebrated the moon by eating delicious traditional Mid-Autumn specialties which were made by the kitchen staff.


The Moon festival ended with very happy Horizon students. The school hopes that these activities brought the students joy, laughter, and relaxation after classes



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