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Europe Trip


Education is not only inside the classroom walls , the quality education is beyond that.

Education is not only inside the classroom walls , the quality education is beyond that. This is already a tradition in Horizon International Bilingual School to implement a know-how of 21 century and think outside of a box. For this Tet Holidays HIBS students had an amazing chance to travel and learn  culture of European continent. This is an educational trip consist of 2 main aspects like;

Education. There are numerous scientific museums and centers that offer interactive education through experimenting, for instance, CERN (the largest particle physics laboratory in the world)Switzerland/France ,  Corpus (human body museum) Netherlands.

Also  Expanding horizons. Students visit sights of various European cities, become familiar with European history and culture, for instance, Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dam, Atomium Monument, Grand Place,Tulip Garden in Paris ,Concorde Square, Sagrada Familia...  

It is also worth to mention than Horizon School Group is the first student group from Vietnam  that able to get access and visit CERN (the largest particle physics laboratory in the world).

Such extracurricular activities catalyze students to become a Global Citizen. Those individuals will be aware of surroundings and be responsible in taking an action to make this world better place for future generations.


Students did travel to 9 european cities(Frankfurt,Stuttgart,Zurich,Geneva,Paris,Brussels,Rotterdam,Hague and Amsterdam)  in 5 different countries (Germany,France,Switzerland,Belgium and Netherlands).


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