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Meeting with a young writer Quach Le Anh Khang


In the afternoon of December  14th, 2018, Horizon International Bilingual School organized a meeting with a young writer Quach Le Anh Khang

In the afternoon of December  14th, 2018, Horizon International Bilingual School organized a meeting with a young writer Quach Le Anh Khang . It helped students learn experience after class time in the Literature Department’s plan. It also helped them make contact with a writer and literary work , contemporary literature, fostering communication, nurturing passion and inspiring youthful dreams.

The programme took place in two periods from 14h15 to 16h00 for grade 8 to grade 12 and some of the students in grade 6,7 in the literature Olympic. Attending the meeting were representatives of the school's management board and teachers.

The writer Quach Le Anh Khang was a student in Le Hong Phong speciality School. He is a journalist, writer, and musician. But the highlight is the literary works which  are popular to young people. The writer shared with the students the role play of reading, how to choose books, what books to read, and especially how to find the love  in life through reading, writing, experiencing, and nurturing dreams.

Students in grade 7 made a video gift to the writer “Quach Le Anh Khang Color” and “Quach Le Anh Khang who you are”. Student Hai Tri play the flute as a gift to a writer. The student’s questions were answered by his experience and psychology of a writer which created a warm atmosphere of literature exchanges with admiration. The writer said that “what I wish to contribute, in a small part, is to inspire literary expression in modern life with many entertainment options ... where literature is an anthropology, a journey to keep the soul with kindness.

The writer gave all of books for the excellent questions. Students were really interested. They asked for his signature and took  photos with the writer.

On behalf of Horizon International Bilingual School . Mr. Yoldash gave him flowers and thanks to the writer.

The exchange  has really provided students with the useful knowledge in the series of activities of the "grow up together with books project" by the Literature Department and the school’s plan.


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