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Election of House-Captain Assistant


The election of the assistant house-captain happened during the 8th period last Wednesday (December 11)

The election of the assistant house-captain happened during the 8th period last Wednesday (December 11). The event was participated by all students and teachers as they have to choose the student who will undergo an apprenticeship program with the guide of house leaders and house captains. The students who will be chosen by the majority as the new assistant house captain of each house has a big torch to carry. It is not just about the title of becoming an assistant house captain but it entails responsibility that they have to embrace. The election process was administered in the field and was organized by the house leaders with consultation from the administration team.

During the election process, students were asked to queue according to their houses. One by one, the student has to go to the house leader to get a ballot and to affix the signature. After the ballot has been secured, the student will be assisted by the house captain to vote in the allotted voting area. Once they have chosen their assistant house captain they have to stamp to the corresponding circle of their chosen candidate. Finally, they have to fold their ballots and cast them inside the box. They will be marked with ink on their finger as proof that they have cast their votes. Not only students voted for the assistant house captain but also the teachers. Teachers were also given the chance to choose who they think to deserve their votes to assist their house captains.

Generally, the election process went well and the result will be announced a week after the election for counting and validating the casted votes.

Election of House-Captain AssistantElection of House-Captain AssistantElection of House-Captain AssistantElection of House-Captain AssistantElection of House-Captain AssistantElection of House-Captain AssistantElection of House-Captain AssistantElection of House-Captain AssistantElection of House-Captain Assistant


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