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Doing ordinary things, EXTRAORDINARILY


The adrenalin rush to join the intra-school activities had started last September.

The adrenalin rush to join the intra-school activities had started last September.
HIBS community is very proud to announce the opening of the various school clubs that adhere to empowering our students’  emotional stability, mental toughness, and physical prowess. With this event, the school programme has strengthened its commitment to foster the potentials and skills of “young minds”. This will enable them to become creative and well-rounded individuals capable of doing ordinary things, extraordinarily. Being the best version of themselves.

A total of 8 activities were arranged by HORIZON to cater to the students’ interests. As expected, students are still enthusiastic about the line-up of the projects in their respective clubs. It has geared up the spirit of TEAMWORK to its optimum potential.
A great learning experience for everyone. Bravo!

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