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A Spectacular night in Opera House- The Graduation Ceremony!


/HCMC On the evening of Wednesday, July 15th, 2020, at Saigon Municipal Opera House, HORIZON INTERNATIONAL BILINGUAL SCHOOL had held a Graduation ceremony

On the evening of Wednesday, July 15th, 2020, at Saigon Municipal Opera
Graduation ceremony for students in grades 12, 9 and 5 in the academic year 2019-
2020. We are pleased to welcome distinguished guests such as heads of educational
department, school administrators, parents, students and alumnus.
The ceremony was warm and full of joy, in which we witnessed the growth of
Horizon International Bilingual school's students. The students who are in the Student
Council , had directed the ceremony properly and professionally for example
decorating the auditorium, greeting guests, choreographing performances, speeches
and MC... just in a short time after the final exams while students have just completed
programs of the school year, however, each of their performances are deserving of
applause from the audiences and the bright smile of the parents who were there.

In the Academic year 2019-2020, despite the raging of covid-19, teachers have
cooperated in time to teach online in order to not interrupt the curriculum. Horizon
International Bilingual School is evaluated as one of the earliest online teaching
schools. We deeply appreciate the hard work of our teachers and the companion as
well as sympathy from parents to finish the school programs safely, like nothing
happened except the timetable lasted longer than the previous years. Mr. Ferhat
Ozuturk, who is on behalf of the school, made a speech to end the school year and
thank all!
At the Graduation ceremony, Horizon International Bilingual School has
received a sincere thank from Ms. Trinh, who has 11 years a journey with 2 children
to study here (Vice- President the Parents Association). Teachers and parents have
also received the gratitude of 12th grade students "We always remember Horizon
International Bilingual School as whenever we think about it, we feel like returning to
our beloved home ... We will constantly try to be more mature as the most beautiful
gifts for parents, teachers …”
During the graduation ceremony of the school year 2019-2020, Horizon
International Bilingual School's teachers and employees had shared a loving goodbye
to Ms. Nguyen Thi Bach Kim and Ms. Tran Thi Hai who have made many
contributions for Horizon International Bilingual School in 15 years development
We have gone through beautiful moments in the graduation ceremony school year
2019-2020, with a generation of students who are confident, creative and full of
affection. Sincerely thanks to parents and teachers. Wishing all students a happy
summer and wellbeing to prepare for the new school year with lots of fun!

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