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Math and ICT Department Activities - Hanoi Campus


The Math and ICT Department had carefully planned activities that enriched the skills of the students in terms of mathematics.

The Math and ICT Department had carefully planned activities that enriched the skills of the students in terms of mathematics. Several weeks before the big day the department head led by Mr. Azat had gathered different ideas from the teachers on how they could efficiently and effectively make the 3-day long activities more interesting and fun for the students. At the end of sequential meetings, the team had decided to roll activities such as Pi-Word, Tic-Tac-Toe, Pi memorization, Kahoot Challenge, Math  Fair, Class photo as Mathematics symbols, Baking Pi cookies for breakfast and lunch, Scholar Speech from VIASM, Drawing with Numbers, and Visiting Panasonic Risupia.


The program started Wednesday, 24th of June where assigned teachers go from one room to another to hand out papers to subject teachers where students need to write a list of words that starts with “Pi”. In the 5th and 6th periods, students were gathered in the conference hall to have the Math Kahoot Challenge which was facilitated by Mr. Kamil for the primary, Mr. Yusuke for the secondary, and Mr. Azat for the high school students. The winners for the Math Kahoot Challenge of each division were as follows: Panh Tuan Kiet (1st place), Sami Ali (2nd place), and Sophia Le Anh Gressick (3rd place) for the primary level; Dao Duy Anh (1st place), Mai Hoang Anh (2nd place), and Lee Yeon Ju (3rd place) for the secondary level; and Vu Hong Mai Chi (1st place), Tran Thi Ngan Giang (2nd place), and Yang Hyeji (3rd place) for the high school level. Upon verifying the answers of the students in the Pi-word challenge the following students were declared winners: Jeong Seokyeon (1st place), Hayyunura Meisya Hamevia (2nd place), and Nguyen Hoang An (3rd place).  The first day of the department’s activities was indeed a success as all students actively participated and had fun which was visible from their priceless smiles.


The second day of the activity was elevated as students have to show their memory skills in writing the “Pi” value in as much as they could. The activity happened during the 4th period for secondary and high school students. The winners for the “Pi” memorization challenge were as follows: Ha Tuong Vi (1st place), Kim Donggeon (2nd place), and Bui Minh Phuong (3rd place). In the afternoon, another activity was presented to students that need speed and ability to think fast as they have to move from one point to another on the game “Tic-Tac-Toe” team challenge. On the other hand, the primary level had visited the Panasonic Risupia which was led by Mr. Kamil. Students who became part of the educational trip gained more information about Mathematics and Technology. The excitement of the kids was indeed priceless as they boarded their designated bus that took them to the place. To ensure the safety of the students and teachers, the Head of Department, Mr. Azat had properly coordinated with the administration and teachers involved in the trip before the event.


The last day of the program seemed the busiest part as students from different levels created human Mathematical symbols that were visible from above while the 6th and 7th periods were used to showcase different mathematical games through “Math Fair”. During the said activity Grade 9 and 11 students were able to show different Math manipulatives while others explored different presentations held at the hallways of the 1st floor for the primary and 3rd floor for the secondary and high school students.


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