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Fire Drill session on safety awareness


Horizon has organized an event in coordination with the Fire and Rescue Department of Hanoi to educate students and teachers on the matters of preventing the fire.

Summer is considered the “Fire Prevention Month” where the occurrence of fire is rampant. This can lead to the total devastation of resources and the worst death of someone that we cherished the most. With this, Horizon has organized an event in coordination with the Fire and Rescue Department of Hanoi to educate students and teachers on the matters of preventing the fire. Teachers and students from grade 6-10 participated in the said event which happened in the school’s conference hall. The informative talk from the experts gave the attendees wider information about “Fire Prevention Month”. Participants were instructed to return to their respective classrooms and wait for the signal to start the fire drill. A couple of minutes later, students were guided by their teachers to head towards the designated evacuation area where volunteers demonstrated the proper use of fire extinguishers. Actual quenching of fire was made by some students and teachers with the guide from the Fire and Rescue Department. This event was indeed a success as participants actively involved themselves during the demonstration.


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