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Horizon School attended “Bess VietNam 2019” - International Education Technology Exhibition


On the 5th and 6th of March 2019, at Tan Son Nhat Hotel - Ho Chi Minh City, the Horizon International School Board attended the "Bess VietNam 2019" International Education Technology Exhibition.

On the 5th and 6th of March 2019, at Tan Son Nhat Hotel - Ho Chi Minh City, the Horizon International School Board attended the "Bess VietNam 2019" International Education Technology Exhibition. This exhibition is one of the activities of the education industry to promote international cooperation, introducing advanced technology solutions applied in the field of education and training. This event implemented the project "Enhancing the application of information technology in managing and supporting teaching and learning activities and scientific research, contributing to improving the quality of education and training in the period 2016 - 2020, orientation to 2025" and the Prime Minister's directive on strengthening capacity to access the 4.0  Industrial Revolution.
In addition to displaying, introducing and demonstrating modern educational technology models, Horizon School Board also participated in a series of highly specialized seminars in the context of educational in the Industrial Revolution 4.0. The content of the workshop focused on 4 topics: Application of technology in content innovation, teaching-learning methods, assessment, training and teacher training; Applying technology in managing and implementing e-government in education and training; Technology application in foreign language teaching and learning, and Starting a creative business, STEAM and experience technologies.
Through participating in the exhibition, Horizon school's leaders had the opportunity to access and experience advanced educational technology under the guidance of leading educational experts. This allowed for the chance to exchange and share experiences in the application of technology in teaching, learning, assessment, and management. The aims of the activities is to promote cooperation and education investment between domestic units and companies, and international partners.
At the exhibition, the school leaders had the opportunity to directly talk and work with the Minister of Education and Training, Professor Phung Xuan Nha. At the meeting, the school leaders shared and reported the goals and orientation of education of the school. Mr Phung Xuan Nha also thanked the cooperation and investment for the development of Vietnamese education of the school and wished the school to develop and achieve more success in the future.

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