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Firefighting and prevention rehearsal


                           /HCMC In the morning of October 23rd, 2020, Horizon International Bilingual School cooperated with Firefighting Police Department to organize an annual "Firefighting and Prevention Rehearsal" 

             ​In the morning of October 23rd, 2020, Horizon International Bilingual School cooperated with Firefighting Police Department to organize an annual "Firefighting and Prevention Rehearsal" to provide training in firefighting skills, checked the fire protection equipment according to regulations.


All teachers, staff and students had given specific instructions on how to use a fire extinguisher and how to escape when an incident occurs. Horizon International Bilingual School and the Fire Police Force used the facilities, tools and equipment available at the School, combined with the fire truck and professional vehicles to conduct the drill.


The successful ended of the fire drills helped Horizon International Bilingual School to improve defensive mobility and be ready to respond in case of an emergency.


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