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To take the initiative in fire prevention and raise awareness for teachers, students and staff, Horizon International Bilingual School corporated with the Fire Prevention Police Department of District 2, HCMC and polices of Thao Dien ward to organize fire drills and rescue practice at 2pm on November 8, 2017.

To take the initiative in fire prevention and raise awareness for teachers, students and staff, Horizon International Bilingual School corporated with the Fire Prevention Police Department of District 2, HCMC and polices of Thao Dien ward to organize fire drills and rescue practice at 2pm on November 8, 2017.

During the practice time, the school’s teachers and staff corporated with the Fire Prevention Department of District 2 and together they solved the hypothetical situation that was a fire or burning in the kitchen and dining hall of the school. The school force carried out alarm operations, guided the escape to safety for students, teachers and staff, called the  rescue center, and used the fire-fighting equipments from the school to control the spread of fire, rescue the victims and move the assets to other places. The Fire-fighting Department of District 2 directed two fire-fighting cars and the firefighter force to corporate with the school’s force to deploy the team and use the fire hoses and fire extinguishers. After 30 minutes, the hypothetical situation had been completely controlled and extinguished.

After the fire drills, the leader of the fire-fighting department and the administration board of Horizon International Bilingual School had a meeting to evaluate and give some comments to improve the results of fire-fighting at the school.
According to the evaluation of the leader, the fire drills were taken seriously, with a safe atmosphere and with correct requirements and technics. The school force did very well, acted quickly, and coordinated their rhythm with the professional fire-fighting force. Through the fire drills, it contributed to raising awareness for teachers, students and staff in fire prevention. This was also the chance to check the school’s fire protection equipment, practice training, and coordinate between the fire-fighting force of school staff and the professional fire-fighting team. They showed they can take initiative in handling fires and explosive scenarios

Fire drills are an annual activity at Horizon International Bilingual School to raise the spirit of vigilance and practice basic fire safety skills.

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