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Week of Student-led Conferences at Horizon International Bilingual School


HAN/ For the last week, our school has been hosting a very important event, which is student-led conferences.

Unlike traditional parent conferences, student-led conferences allow students to deliver crucial information to their parents and students facilitate the meeting from start to finish. Throughout the course of each conference, students have the opportunity to present a sample of their work to their parents and can update them on their progress in particular subjects and disciplines.

Student-led conferences increase students’ self-confidence, encourage students to take responsibility and ownership for their learning by involving them in the goal-setting and assessment process, allows students to disclose any worries or struggles they are facing, motivates parents to attend meetings and conference, gives teachers an insight into how their students think, creates the opportunity for on-going dialogue. 

In our school, student-led conferences are implemented at all grade levels, 1–12. Throughout the past week, our parents had the unique chance to listen and speak with their child about their academic and social progress and needs. 

In addition to all, we would like to express our gratitude to our parents for the support and care they show by attending their child’s conference.


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