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Book Festival 2021


/HCMC Information  Technology are the most hot topic these days , in every aspect of our lives IT has a vital role.

Information  Technology are the most hot topic these days , in every aspect of our lives IT has a vital role. Whenever you are shopping  ( online ) or watching your favorite TV show (on Netflix)  Basically we can not think modern life without Technology. It is almost impossible to neglect impact of IT instead  we need to find out to optimize our lives with technology. 
When to say Library , what is the first thing comes to your mind ?
Now, think about Taxi company without a single Car,  . ..  yes it is Uber   or Grab
What about hotel company without a single room ?    yes AirBnB
So world is becoming more digital . And Education needs to keep pace with these innovations .
Main questions are What ? and How? To apply Information Technology in library activities.
Couple years ago there was a research about “A social survey by the Research Centre of Culture, Education and Social Life under the HCMC Ethnology and Anthropology Association in 2014 found that up to 78 per cent of kids under six years old use digital devices.” Can you imagine that every four kid in 5 are using digital devices. And they are under 6 years old  . You can think about older ones …       
Same research states that at average “…children spent 30 to 60 minutes a day “for playing online games or watching videos online.   I mention these numbers only to show the impact of technology on our most precious Ones. Well, about “health” it is an agenda of different seminar. 
Now let see Reading Habits in Vietnam. Quote “A report from the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism released in September 2016 on the occasion of the Book Day, one Vietnamese person reads fewer than one book a year.   “   It is not 1 book actually it is less than a book
Furthermore , another report   Quote“Meanwhile, at the third Vietnam Book Festival on April 19, 2016, Deputy Minister of Education and Training Pham Manh Hung said one person reads four books a year, including 2.8 textbooks and 1.2 books of other kinds.”
So the key question is  : how this an enormous time can be used efficiently ? 
In Horizon 95% of all students are Vietnamese Kids.  So school mission and vision needs to be neatly tailored around these numbers  above. Student Centered Approach is applied in Horizon.
In HIBS we do have BYOD (Bring Your Own Device Policy) where each student has ipad/tablet . A special online library software is installed in the device .
This software helps :
1 School Administrators  to follow up  and evaluate each students reading time , book choice ,   lexile level as an individual or group
2 Teachers  to set a strategies , plan , projects and tactics to enhance students reading habits/time
3 Parents to monitor usage and get reports
4 Students to inquire new reading habits , increase lexile, enrich vocabulary word power , be able to find book of their choice
Horizon International Bilingual School has decent number of hardcopy books in library  in fact by online library , school meets expectation of Teachers and Students .


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